Curcio Dermatology is Nashville’s premier dermatologic surgery and skin rejuvenation center, providing outstanding medical care with professionalism and full attention to patient comfort. We provide the latest medical technology, the newest lasers and devices, and most current treatments in a state-of-the-art facility in the heart of Green Hills. From skin cancer screenings to modern cosmetic skin treatments, Curcio Dermatology is experienced in both medical and surgical procedures.
(615) 679-9011
Curcio Dermatology

Serving Patients in Nashville & Beyond

Intense Pulsed Light (aka. Photo Facial)

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Intense Pulsed Light (aka. Photo Facial)

Curcio Dermatology is the first practice in Middle TN to offer one of the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) devices on the market, called Lumecca™ IPL. IPL devices, like Lumecca™, use gentle pulses of broad-spectrum light to selectively target and treat skin conditions in light and dark skin, to even out your skin tone. It is the gold standard for the treatment of hyperpigmentation, sun damage, sun spots, freckles and even stimulates collagen rejuvenation for improved skin texture and tone. The most commonly treated areas are the face, neck, chest, forearms, hands, lower legs, back, and shoulders.

With Lumecca™, you can complete your photorejuvenation in an initial series of 2-3 treatments, one every 4 weeks, versus 4-6 with standard IPLs. Depending on the condition of your skin, more treatments may be necessary. Many people maintain their results with an additional maintenance treatment every 6-12 months. You will likely notice positive changes even after your very first session. These gentle, no downtime treatments produce skin that is more uniform in color and has fewer blemishes. IPL treatments can be maximized by using an accompanying topical skin lightening product, retinol or retinoid product, and daily sunscreen.

Facial Rejuvenation - Before and After

Chest Rejuvenation - Before and After

Dr. Curcio specializes in Cosmetic and Laser Surgery and has extensive experience with photo facials. She can select the laser treatment or combination of treatments for you and personalize a treatment regimen to help you attain the best possible cosmetic result.

Make an appointment with Dr. Curcio to determine what laser treatment is best for you.

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Curcio Dermatology
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